welcome to www.worldofspiders.de Around 20 years ago a started to be interested in Spiders. Since then one of my passions is to travel around the world to see and photograph spiders in their natural habitats. This often leads to surpising discoveries like an unknown species or an exceptional behaviour of a spider in its environment. I made this page to give a small impression of my travels and the diversity of spiders I was able to discover. As I am absolutely against illegal pettrade and the collecting of tarantulas in the wild I appreciate it not to ask me for localities. Jan-Philipp Samadi
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PUBLICATIONS SAMADI, J. P. (2005): Lebensweise und Kokonbau von Harpactira cf. guttata im natürlichen Habitat. ARACHNE 10(3): 6-12 SAMADI, J. P. (2008): Haplopelma Arten in Thailand – Beobachtungen zur Lebensweise. ARACHNE 13(6): 16-30 SAMADI, J. P. (2009): Auf Spinnensuche in Ecuador. ARACHNE 14(3): 12-33 SAMADI, J.P. (2009 ): Auf Spinnensuche in Ecuador - Teil 2. ARACHNE 16(6): 4-17 SAMADI, J.P. (2013): Ungewöhnliche Lebensweise einer Phlogiellus sp. in der Krabi Provinz von Thailand . ARACHNE (18)1: 8-13 SAMADI, J.P. (2014 ): Von Spinnen und Fröschen: Beobachtungen in Panama. ARACHNE 19(2): 4-14 SAMADI J.P. (2015): Die mysteriöse "Silkhenge" Spinne. ARACHNE 20(2): 29 SAMADI J.P. (2015): Beobachtungen zur Lebensweise von Chaetopelma olivaceum (Koch 1841) auf Zypern. ARACHNE 20(5): 4-1 Samadi, J. P. (2018). Beobachtungen zur Lebensweise von Coremiocnemis hoggi West & Nunn 2010 in Malaysia. Arachne 23(4): 14-23